Why to choose Bellissimo Clinic?


Lipolytic is an effective means of combating body fat. The procedure allows you to quickly, effectively and painlessly get rid of unwanted accumulations of fat cells (adipocytes) located in the eyelids, cheeks, chin, thighs, abdomen, arms and any area prone to fat accumulation. The removal of fat from problem areas occurs as a result of the action of a selected drug with a special purpose, injected under the skin. This method is extremely effective for dealing with excess deposits on the face. Under the influence of lipolytics, fat cells in the affected area are transformed and leave the body forever. After several applied procedures, the patient’s face noticeably weakens, which gives him a fresh and youthful appearance.

The lipolytic, also known as deoxycholic acid, consists of a soy enzyme, in combination with additional substances to improve the condition of the skin. Its introduction into the subcutaneous adipose tissue leads to an increase in pressure in the cells, as a result of which they rupture. In this way, adipocids are broken down into molecules of fatty acid and glycerol. Thus, fat cells leave the facial area irretrievably.

Before the intervention you should go through a consultation with our specialist, who will explain the care after the procedure, the number of interventions that will be applied for optimal effect, as well as what exactly result to expect. After the intervention, you should minimize your physical activity. High temperatures should be avoided during this period. It is recommended to do a course of 3-5 procedures. For optimal effect it can be combined with RF lifting.


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