Why to choose Bellissimo Clinic?


Lipofilling is a procedure that uses one’s own adipose tissue to add volume and sculpt different parts of the human body. It is most often used to rejuvenate the face – it fills and smoothes the nasolabial folds, gives volume to the cheekbones and cheeks. Lipofilling is the safest method to fill in the gaps under the eyes. It is also a great method for lip augmentation. It is also used to correct irregularities due to liposuction, breast reconstruction, to rejuvenate the palms of the hands and more. 

The procedure is suitable for all men and women who want to improve their appearance. By adding volume, where necessary, a natural and excellent result is achieved. The procedure is widely used and has virtually no upper age limit. An important condition for the patient is not to be  too slim, that there is enough adipose tissue to be transferred to the desired area. 

The duration is between 1.5 – 3 hours, depending on the volume of adipose tissue that must  be transferred. The procedure is usually performed under local anaesthesia. It starts by taking adipose tissue, most often from the abdomen or thighs. This is done by making a small incision in the previously anesthetized donor site and using a fine cannula to extract the required amount of adipose tissue. The adipose tissue is then purified and injected into the desired area using another cannula. 

The type of cannula used is very important for the final result, as it largely depends on the so-called “survival” of the injected adipose tissue, the final volume that will remain permanently in the new place. 

Lipofilling is a very gentle procedure with excellent results. A big advantage of the procedure is that the patient’s own adipose tissue is used – so rejuvenation occurs in a completely natural way and the risk of an allergic reaction is completely avoided. Up to 30% -50% of the injected adipose tissue remains permanently after 1.5-2 months. The procedure can be applied repeatedly until the desired effect is achieved. The recovery period depends mainly on the age and health condition of the patient. Most people return to work on the second day, when the initial swelling and possible redness have passed. 


Липофилинг - Bellissimo clinic
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Liofilling from 700 euro